2024-06-18 23:47:18









As the first reader of Mr. Xie Hansheng, a world-renowned calligrapher, I am very pleased and proud. Although I have no knowledge of Mr. Xie Hansheng, I am as familiar as thunder and have heard of him. In a fit of anger, I followed up on his excellent works, which immediately brought me closer. It was a sigh, as if I had suddenly known dozens of seasons. All the excellent works read and appreciated are treasures of nature.


Mr. Xie Hansheng came from a scholarly family of prestigious families. As early as the late Ming and early Qing dynasties,his great ancestor Xie Changrong had been personally appointed as the Rulin Lang by the emperor, and his great grandfather Xie Xitai had also been personally appointed as the Yulin Lang of the military (equivalent to the position of a general) by the emperor. Xie Weixin, the former president of Shenzhen University, is currently the honorary director of the Academic Committee of Shenzhen University and his uncle. It can be seen that his family has produced many talented individuals.

Reading through his precious works, I am willing to write a preface for Mr. Xie Hansheng.

Calligraphy is the foundation of cultivating one's character and character. Therefore, calligraphers writing and writing on paper are precisely a testament to the character of literati! As a pillar figure in the current literary world, Mr. Xie Hansheng's calligraphy skills are deeply understood in this field. His works are all exemplary, unaffected by the customs and traditions of the times, and have not fallen into the habit of facing others. Instead, he always uses traditional stele inscriptions as his lineage, and over time, he peels and changes them, leaving his appearance to be divine and learning from ahundred schools of thought, allowing his pen to freely shuttle between various calligraphy styles such as Xing, Kai, and Li,gathering the strengths and belonging to himself, and naturally possessing backbone! As Bao Shichen, a Qing Dynasty scholar,said in his book "The Double Collection of Art Boats", every time he practices pasting, his brushwork will penetrate his liver and diaphragm, and every time he changes pasting, it will make his heart feel like there is no previous pasting!

The aura of books and scrolls is the primary purpose of Mr. Xie Hansheng's calligraphy creation! Kaishu embodies the charm of Wei and Jin dynasties, and inherits the pattern of Tang Kaishu.Whether written in a single work, whether it is a banner or vertical banner, or a couplet in the central hall, it can present a literary atmosphere of peace of mind, neither extreme nor fierce! As the saying goes, regular script is not deceitful.

With a single character in regular script, the meaning of facial muscles and willow bones is particularly evident. It can be seen that the pen can be used to write in a rigorous manner in a square and circular space, and the lines are sharp and exquisite. The calligraphy can express righteousness in elegance, without being frivolous or impetuous. Looking at it in this way, it is truly a solid foundation, generous writing, and the initialdescription of Huangting is just right! There is also a Wei stele calligraphy style, which can convey the meaning of strength and strength, rather than being delicate and pretentious. The brushstrokes and ink are penetrating through the back of the paper, and the writing style is rough and calm.Each word in the book is elegant and clear at a glance!

Compared to the works of regular script and Wei stele, Mr. Xie Hansheng's running script tends to have a lively and unrestrained style of writing. When he picks up the brush, he can make the meaning lie in the beginning of the brush, so that the brush and ink can move freely wherever they go, with changes in concentration and dryness, sharp and slow contrasts,sometimes like a thousand mile array of clouds, crashing waves and thunder rushing, sometimes like a withered vine, and strong crossbow tendons and knots! The upward and downward momentum is suitable for opening, and both sides are suitable for attention. Especially at the turning and connecting points of many characters, Mr. Xie Hansheng is able to express his temperament directly in his mind. He reaches the point of writing and achieves it in one go, ultimately allowing the brush line to have a slight setback within a single point, and the ups and downs of a painting become sharp and sharp. His handsfollow the flow of his heart, exerting a thousand pounds of force, and the book is natural, with a strong and upright form!

Devote oneself to studying the righteous path, and never leave the teachings of the past. Youdao is a person of high quality, painting step by step, possessing a pure and elegant aura; Although the subordinates are passionate and frustrated,they seem impressive, yet their strength and ferocity are somewhat exposed. The reason why Mr. Xie Hansheng is renowned both inside and outside the literary world today is naturally due to the cultivation and blessing of both virtue and art.

Learning from the righteous path is the foundation, and character is the foundation. Therefore, not only does everyone value his writing skills, but also admire him! The numerous calligraphy works created by him undoubtedly have played a crucial role in reflecting and promoting value in the current literary world. The style and standards are far from perfect,and the best quality can be learned from them!

Is it in order


Famous critic: Chen Chuanxi

谢汉升,字实在,号乐昌,广州市花都区人,1954 年生。中国人民书画艺术研究院副院长、中国东方文化研究会书法研究员、中国国潮文化专委会会员、全国书画艺术委员会副主席、中国高级书法师、中国人美出版社荣誉社长、中国楹联学会会员、中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会会员、广东省书法家协会会员、广东中华诗词学会会员、广东省楹联学会会员、广州市印章协会理事、广州市炭步书法家协会会长、经原文化部艺术发展中心和中国书画职称润格评定中心严格评审,被授予“当代著名书法家”、人民艺术家等称号。近年在广东省群艺馆举办的“和谐广东”大型书法比赛中,分别获得过优秀奖、一等奖、铜奖、金奖;22019 年在由天津东方书画艺术研究院举行的“盛世中国”·庆祝中华人民共和国成立 70 周年世界华人大型书画评审联展中荣获金奖,并被授予“中国当代书画名家”荣誉称号;在香港中国书法家协会举办的第十五届“中国艺术家作品邀请展"评比大赛中荣获第一名。


近年来并出版由水墨丹青文化研究院出版的《谢汉升书法集》、由中国科学文献出版社出版的书画经典、中华瑰宝《品牌艺术》欧阳中石、谢汉升、苏士澍三人书法作品合集,庆祝建党一百周年《中国影响力人物》谢汉升、孙晓云二人书法作品合集,由 CCT∨中央电视台编中国文化出版社出版的《中华艺术大师代表人物》一书全国发行二十万册,由启功题字的中国历代一百名书画名家(有国家书号)已入编出版发行。

Xie Hansheng, with the courtesy name Shi Shi and the courtesy name Lechang, was born in 1954 in Huadu District, Guangzhou.Vice President of the Chinese People's Academy of Calligraphy and Painting Arts, Calligraphy Researcher of the Chinese Oriental Culture Research Association, Member of the China China-Chic Culture Special Committee, Vice Chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Arts Committee, Senior Chinese Calligrapher, Honorary President of the China Renmei Publishing House, Member of the Chinese Couplet Association,Member of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of the Chinese Couplet Association, Member of the Guangdong Calligrapher's Association, Member of the Guangdong Chinese Poetry Association, Member of the Guangdong CoupletAssociation Director of Guangzhou Seal Association, President of Guangzhou Tanbu Calligraphers Association

After strict evaluation by the Art Development Center of the former Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Professional Title Runge Evaluation Center, he has been awarded titles such as "Contemporary Famous Calligrapher"and "People's Artist". In recent years, he has won the Excellent Award, First Prize, Bronze Award, and Gold Award in the"Harmonious Guangdong" large-scale calligraphy competition held at the Guangdong Provincial Art Museum; In 2019, he won the gold medal at the "Prosperous China" and "Celebrating the70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China" World Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Review Joint Exhibition held by Tianjin Oriental Painting and Calligraphy Art Research Institute, and was awarded the honorary title of"Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Master"; Wonfirst place in the 15th "Chinese Artist Works Invitation Exhibition" evaluation competition organized by the Hong Kong Chinese Calligraphers Association.

Recently, it has been awarded the title of "People's Artist"by five art institutions including the China Calligraphers Association; Awarded the honorable title of "ArtisticInheritor" by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.In recent years, he has also published the "Xie Hansheng Calligraphy Collection" published by the Ink Painting and Painting Culture Research Institute, the "Classic Calligraphy and Painting" published by the China Science and Literature Publishing House, and a collection of calligraphy works by the Chinese treasure "Brand Art" by Ouyang Zhongshi, Xie Hansheng, and Su Shishu, as well as a collection of calligraphy works by Xie Hansheng and Sun Xiaoyun, who celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China,The book "Representative Figures of Chinese Art Masters",edited and published by China Culture Publishing House by CCTV,has been distributed in 200000 copies nationwide. One hundred famous Chinese calligraphers and painters (with national book numbers) who have been inscribed by Qigong have been included and published.



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